| |  |  | A Special Thank You to Our Supporters Travis Roy Foundation Craig H Neilsen Foundation Lenny Zakim Fund |
| | | | In Remembrance: Obie Harrington Howes Obie Harrington Howes was a beloved member of the SCIboston community. Obie suffered a C7 complete SCI while bodysurfing at Jones Beach, New York in 1997. Sadly, Obie passed away on March 16, 2024 following a battle with lung cancer and congestive heart failure. Obie will be remembered by all who were fortunate enough to know him as a compassionate, generous, kind, and caring person. Obie served as the Chapter Coordinator for SCIboston and as a peer mentor. Prior to that Obie established his own foundation - The Obie Harrington- Howes Foundation which granted over $3.5 million to individuals living with SCI/D in Connecticut from 1998- 2016. Obie leaves his wife Beth, three grown children, and five grand-children. SCIboston and all who knew Obie will miss him. Obituary |
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| In this newsletter you will find: -
Congratulations to Our Marathon Runner! - Gala Images and Videos!
Upcoming Events! May's Saturday Education Series, Red Sox Game -
Grupo de Apoyo en Español -
Advocacy Update -
Looking to Connect with a Peer Mentor? - SCIboston Grant Program
- SCI Transition Program
Support Groups *New Group* For Younger Adults -
SCIboston YouTube -
For Sale/Donations *NEW ITEMS* - Community Tidbits
We rely on donations, sponsors and grants to fund our peer programs. If we made a difference in your life or that of someone you love, consider a donation to allow us to continue to assist others as we assisted you. SCIboston is recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. |
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| | Jeff Kuhl SCIboston's 2024 Marathon Runner Jeff ran an amazing marathon with a sub-4 hour time. He felt great the and was ecstatic to reach the finish line! Thank you Jeff for your extraordinary efforts both on the pavement and raising funds to help us continue our mission to reach, inspire, support, and empower individuals with spinal cord injuries. You can still Donate to Jeff's Marathon Campaign Here! |
| | 2024 Annual Gala was a huge success! What a wonderful night with wonderful people listening to powerful stories, cheering for our award winners, and celebrating our community. A special thank you to all of our sponsors for supporting us. Click the button below to see all the amazing videos and photos from that night. |
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| | | | Grupo de Apoyo en Español Para personas con una lesión de la médula espinal y sus familiares Día y hora de la reunión: Todos los lunes a las 4:00pm-5:00pm EST Zoom enlace: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85992267883?pwd=MTVDbVhuOVdsK2xBczZSSmM5eWtYdz09 ID de la reunión: 859 9226 7883 Contraseña: 213375 Número de teléfono: 929-205-6099 US (New York) SCIboston desea dar la bienvenida a los participantes de nuestro grupo de apoyo virtual semanal de habla hispana. Este grupo está abierto a todas las personas de habla hispana y portuguesa que tengan una lesión de la médula espinal. Ocurre los lunes de 4 a 5 pm. ¡Pasa la voz! |
| This month's advocacy update includes a summary of the MassHealth PCA program budget cut and rally, information on accessible parking, and numerous input opportunities on the local, state, and federal level! Find out how to comment on air travel, emergency preparedness, and Boston City Council’s pregnancy parking initiative. Click the link to Read Our Full Advocacy Update Interested in getting notifications about our advocacy efforts or being an advocate on the state or national level? |
| | Looking to Connect with a Peer Mentor? Are you or a family member looking to connect with one of SCIboston's trained peer mentors? Many people find it helpful, reassuring, and hopeful to talk to a mentor about adjusting to life after a spinal cord injury. Topics of conversation could include getting back to work or school after a sci, adaptive sports, relationships and intimacy, bladder and bowel management, and more. We match individuals with peer mentors based primarily on gender, injury level, age, interests, and family life, amongst other considerations. SCIboston's mentors also lead many of our virtual support groups, as well as attend them to provide support to others. If you'd like to hear more about the program or wish to connect with someone, please contact SCIboston's Peer Mentor Coordinator, Jessika, at jcoromel@partners.org to learn more today. Click the HERE to watch a video from our Peer Mentors! |
| SCIboston's Back2RI Grant Program Our Grant Program assists individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder (SCI/D) who demonstrate a financial need. These grants can help assist with obtaining either Durable Medical Equipment or Vehicle Modifications up to $4,000 . Examples of Eligible Items: Upgrade and maintenance of wheelchairs, home ramps and lifts, computers, commodes, standing frames, shower chairs/benches, vehicle hand controls, wheelchair locking systems, and more. To learn more about the eligibility requirements, what our grants cover, and to fill out the application click the button below! |
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| Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program Stacie Selfridge - TRANSITION PROGRAM LIAISON Stacie oversees SCIboston’s SCI Transition Program, which aims to assist individuals who live in nursing homes to get back to living independently. Stacie brings twenty-plus years of knowledge and experience as an Occupational Therapist to our SCIboston community. We are pleased to announce the SCIboston Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program has had some great successes during it's first two years and we want to continue helping individuals with their independence. Do you know someone with an SCI that is living in a nursing home? We are looking for new candidates who are motivated to move back into the community. Please contact info@sciboston.org for more information or to recommend a candidate. |
| Virtual Support Groups Join us for one or more of our virtual support groups that meet your needs as an individual, family member, or significant other affected by a spinal cord injury or disorder (SCI/D). Our many virtual groups offer opportunities for open discussion, support, and resources. Younger Adult Group Women's Group Newly Injured Spanish Group After Dark Groups Family Groups SCI/D Discussion Group And many more! Click the button to access more information and the zoom links! |
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Our YouTube Channel Have you missed one of our recent Saturday Education Series Presentations or one of our virtual community events? Did you know that we upload them to our YouTube channel? We have presentations on: Spaulding Adaptive Sports & Boston Area Fitness Programs Hollister Products and Insurance Reimbursement Nutrition and Metabolic Changes with SCI/D Cooking with Arash Returning to School After SCI Adaptive Driving And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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| For Sale/Donated Are you looking for or do you have Durable Medical Equipment, Assistive Technology, Adapted Vehicles or an Accessible Home for sale or donation? This month we have: *SMART DRIVE Accessory* *Karman Manual Wheelchair* *2 different Standing Machines* Wheelchair Hitch Carrier Kia Soul Ramp Vehicle Duet Basic Bicycle And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out or submit your item! |
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Resources Our resource page was curated by our staff with information provided by our mentors, group leaders, and other members of the SCI community that includes information about: Caregivers Getting Back to Work Housing, Sports & Recreation Complex Rehab Technology Transportation and so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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| | |  | Join Dianne Vitkus and KBF for Active Project Live, a vibrant and inclusive discussion group focused on adaptive sports and recreational activities. Hosted by the Kelly Brush Foundation in collaboration with United Spinal Association, this group provides a platform for adaptive sports enthusiasts to engage in lively discussions about various recreational activities. Held virtually every other Tuesday at 5:30pm EST, our first session kicks off this Tuesday, April 2. Get ready to engage, share experiences, and discover new possibilities in adaptive sports and recreation. To enrich our conversations you might hear from experts in the form of Q&A, presentations, storytelling or panelists. Stay tuned for exciting topics and guests to be announced soon! zoom link to be emailed to you the morning of! |
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| | | Did you miss a newsletter? All our past newsletters can be found here: |
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| SCIboston 2 Rehabilitation Way | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 (617) 952-5643 | info@sciboston.org |
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