| |  | Chapter Name Change In April 2023 we announced that we have transitioned our Chapter’s name from the Greater Boston Chapter of United Spinal Association, to SCIboston. We will continue to be a chapter of United Spinal Association and offer the same support and services to individuals and families impacted by spinal cord injury in Massachusetts and the New England area. We are making the change to simplify and shorten our name and to be consistent with our website, social media and email addresses. |
| Thank You to Our Supporters |
|  | | | | Thank you to all the generous donors from our Giving Tuesday campaign! We raised our goal of $2500 which will be matched by The Lenny Zakim Fund. |
| In this newsletter you will find: - We Are Hiring!
Upcoming Events - Gala Save The Date and Advocacy Events! -
SCIboston Advocacy Coordinator - Advocacy Update
- SCIboston Grant Program
- SCI Transition Program
Looking to Connect with a Peer Mentor? -
SCIboston YouTube *New Video!* - Adaptive Sports & Local Fitness Programs -
Support Groups *New Group* For Younger Adults -
For Sale/Donations *Updated Items* -
SCI Physical Activity Research Opportunity - $40 Compensation! -
Helpful Resources |
| We rely on donations, sponsors and grants to fund our peer programs. If we made a difference in your life or that of someone you love, consider a donation to allow us to continue to assist others as we assisted you. SCIboston is recognized by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. |
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| | SCIboston Is Hiring! Position: Executive Director Hours: 35 per week The Executive Director of SCIboston is the lead for financial stability, advocacy and oversight of day-to-day operations. Specifically, the Executive Director is responsible for building the public profile and funding base of the organization, in addition to managing its staff, volunteers, HR policies and financial operations. To read the full job description click HERE! |
| | SAVE THE DATE!!! APRIL 13, 2024 5:30PM BOSTON/NEWTON MARRIOT Our Fundraising Committee is hard at work planning our 2024 Gala! Mark your calendar and keep an eye on your inbox for more information and how you can get tickets! |
| | Curb Ramp Implementation Virtual Meeting: Wednesday December 6, 2023 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm, on Zoom. Please register here. The City has recently entered into a Consent Decree which establishes goals and methods for upgrading all existing curb ramps and installing missing curb ramps at every intersection in Boston. This Virtual Meeting is held by the Disabilities Commission. They are seeking input on the implementation plan from people with mobility disabilities. This meeting is a good opportunity to learn more about how the City of Boston intends to improve curb accessibility. Can’t wait to see you there |
| Semi-Annual MBTA Accessibility Settlement update: Wednesday December 6, 2023 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm, on Zoom. Please register here. If you use any MBTA transit services, this twice-yearly meeting will keep you informed of how the MBTA is improving accessibility in compliance with the settlement of a landmark lawsuit that resulted in creation of the Department of System-Wide Accessibility (SWA) in 2007. Showing your interest adds strength to SWA’s power to upgrade stations, stops, and vehicles |
| SCIboston Advocacy Coordinator SCIboston would like to introduce the newest member of our team, Vita Brown. Vita is the new SCIboston Advocacy Coordinator and will be working on key legislative issues and initiatives that impact the SCI community. Vita will work on coalition building and community outreach and engagement. See below for weekly advocacy events you can learn about and get involved in! For more information or questions, contact Vita at vita@sciboston.org. |
| This month's advocacy update includes news about long term care and pharmaceutical bills, advocacy meetings, a call to testify for various bills that are important to us, and more. Click the link to Read The Full Advocacy Update Interested in getting notifications about our advocacy efforts or being an advocate on the state or national level? |
| SCIboston's Back2RI Grant Program Our Grant Program assists individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder (SCI/D) who demonstrate a financial need. These grants can help assist with obtaining either Durable Medical Equipment or Vehicle Modifications up to $4,000. Examples of Eligible Items: Upgrade and maintenance of wheelchairs, home ramps and lifts, computers, commodes, standing frames, shower chairs/benches, vehicle hand controls, wheelchair locking systems, and more. To learn more about the eligibility requirements, what our grants cover, and to fill out the application click the button below! |
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| Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program Stacie Selfridge - TRANSITION PROGRAM LIAISON Stacie oversees SCIboston’s SCI Transition Program, which aims to assist individuals who live in nursing homes to get back to living independently. Stacie brings twenty-plus years of knowledge and experience as an Occupational Therapist to our SCIboston community. We are pleased to announce the SCIboston Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program has had some great successes during it's first year and a half and we want to continue helping individuals with there independence. Do you know someone with an SCI that is living in a nursing home? We are looking for new candidates who are motivated to move back into the community. Please contact info@sciboston.org for more information or to recommend a candidate. |
| Looking to Connect with a Peer Mentor? Are you or a family member looking to connect with one of SCIboston's trained peer mentors? Many people find it helpful, reassuring, and hopeful to talk to a mentor about adjusting to life after a spinal cord injury. Topics of conversation could include getting back to work or school after a sci, adaptive sports, relationships and intimacy, bladder and bowel management, and more. We match individuals with peer mentors based primarily on gender, injury level, age, interests, and family life, amongst other considerations. SCIboston's mentors also lead many of our virtual support groups, as well as attend them to provide support to others. If you'd like to hear more about the program or wish to connect with someone, please contact SCIboston's Peer Mentor Coordinator, Jessika, at jcoromel@partners.org to learn more today. |
| Our YouTube Channel Have you missed one of our recent Saturday Education Series Presentations or one of our virtual community events? Did you know that we upload them to our YouTube channel? We have presentations on: Spaulding Adaptive Sports & Boston Area Fitness Programs Hollister Products and Insurance Reimbursement Nutrition and Metabolic Changes with SCI/D Cooking with Arash Returning to School After SCI Adaptive Driving SCI Awareness Month Playlist And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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Virtual Support Groups Join us for one or more of our virtual support groups that meet your needs as an individual, family member, or significant other affected by a spinal cord injury or disorder (SCI/D). Our many virtual groups offer opportunities for open discussion, support, and resources. Younger Adult Group Women's Group Newly Injured Spanish Group After Dark Groups Family Groups SCI/D Discussion Group And many more! Click the button to access more information and the zoom links! |
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| For Sale/Donated Are you looking for or do you have Durable Medical Equipment, Assistive Technology, Adapted Vehicles or an Accessible Home for sale or donation? This month we have: Custom Offroad Wheelchair Wheelchair Hitch Carrier Kia Soul Ramp Vehicle Duet Basic Bicycle And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out or submit your item! |
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Resources Our resource page was curated by our staff with information provided by our mentors, group leaders, and other members of the SCI community that includes information about: Caregivers Getting Back to Work Housing, Sports & Recreation Complex Rehab Technology Transportation and so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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| |  | | | Did you miss a newsletter? All our past newsletters can be found here: |
| | | | | SCIboston 2 Rehabilitation Way | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 (617) 952-5643 | info@sciboston.org |
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| SCIboston 2 Rehabilitation Way | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 (617) 952-5643 | info@sciboston.org |
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