| | Friend, The sun sets nearly two hours later than when we sent our last newsletter. Spring officially starts in 9 days, and quite honestly, we are already in that state of mind. Are you? We are really ramping up our gala fundraiser planning. This year we are pleased to have Joey Voices, comedy singing impressionist, performing! We will also have a red carpet theme so dress to impress and get ready to feel like a superstar! Join us on Saturday, April 25th, 6-10:30pm at the Hilton Dedham. Tickets go on sale March 15th! For more information, see the flyer at the end of this newsletter or click here to check out our website. Scroll to the bottom to find us on social media and check out our last year’s gala sponsors. Their generous contributions help us to continue our programs that improve the quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injury! Heather Wood Chapter Coordinator (617) 952-5643 Ryan DeRoche Digital Media Coordinator ryan@sciboston.org In this newsletter: Upcoming Events: - Massachusetts Annual Independent Living Education Day at the State House, March 12, 10:00am-3:00pm For more info click here.
- Museum of Fine Arts Tour, March 15, 12:00pm-4:00pm: Back by popular demand, Brogan Joe Murphy will be leading us on a tour of MFA in Boston. Last year he awed us with his knowledge of art history and showed us some of his favorite works. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. You won't want to miss it!
- Spinal Source: Bowel and Bladder, Saturday March 21, 11:00pm-1:00pm, Spaulding Charlestown, 1st Floor Conference Room A: Karen Spriggs, RN, Coloplast clinical consultant will provide an educational program on bladder and bowel management. **This will also be available as a webinar!** RSVP here if you are interested, please specify if you are interested in the attending via the webinar.
- Weekly Support Group every Thursday, 4pm-5pm, 6th floor Lantern Room, Spaulding Rehab Boston, 300 1st Ave, Charlestown.
Family Social Hour, First and third Thursdays, 4pm-5:30pm, 6th floor Family Room at Spaulding Rehab Boston, 300 1st Ave, Charlestown. -
Marathon Monday! March 20th Help us cheer on our Marathon runner, Carl Champigny, by donating on his Fundraising page! Look for him out on race course on Marathon Monday! -
Save The Date! GBC Fundraising Gala, April 25th, 6:00pm-10:30pm, Hilton Dedham: We are doing something a little different this year! In place of Roll to Win Casino Night, please join us for an evening of laughs with Joey Voices, comedy singing impressionist. Tickets go on sale March 15th!! | | | We do not, and have never, charged for our services. We rely on donations, sponsors and grants to fund our peer programs. If we made a difference in your life or that of someone you love, consider a gift to allow us to continue to assist others as we assisted you. | | | | |  | | Attention!! We have switched to a new email address! For many years we have used AOL services and for various reasons we have been exploring other options. We switched to G-Suite for Nonprofits in January and are excited to use the tools Google offers. We ask that you add our new email to your address book, because all of our future emails will come from info@sciboston.org. | | | | | Advocacy Would you like to be more involved in our advocacy efforts? Sign up HERE to be on our advocacy email list. Accessible MA Act (AAB legislation) Campaign update! The Coordinating Committee has been working with an experienced lobbyist to help them pass this legislation which will increase accessible and adaptable housing and workplaces in Massachusetts. This has involved updating messaging, renaming the legislation as the Accessible MA Act, and writing a new Fact Sheet and Support Statement to share with potential sponsors and elected officials. The Coordinating Committee is working to expand the coalition supporting legislation to include businesses, senior advocates, affordable housing activists, developers, builders, and architects, and human rights organizations. Please contact Chris Hoeh if you can help expand the coalition, have questions, or want to be more involved in this effort. Wheelchair Equipment and Maintenance (DME) Advocacy Effort We are working with organizers from the Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) and the Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) to improve access to appropriate wheelchairs and maintenance of this essential form of Durable Medical Equipment. These organizers are in conversation with MassHealth about the major problems we face in this area. We are collaborating with the organizers to collect information from anyone who uses wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, commodes, shower chairs, nebulizers, absorbency products, etc. And together we will identify individuals who can engage with MassHealth. You can reach out to Eviva Kahne, community organizer at BCIL, to schedule an interview: email ekahne@bostoncil.org or call 617-338-6665 ext. 270, or Chris Hoeh and Pam Daly can also interview. You’re invited to join the GBC for this powerful disability rights and advocacy opportunity. Wheels of Justice included in the Reel Abilities Film Festival - March 29
- 7 PM to 8:30 PM (the film will be the last of several short documentaries)
- West Newton Cinema
- Tickets are available on a sliding scale HERE
The producers of the documentary were happy to learn that their project will be shown during this annual disability focused film festival. The director/producer, Svetlana Umenkova (attorney from the Disability Law Center), and Chris Hoeh will discuss the project with the audience following the film. You are encouraged to attend all of these excellent films across several days in a number of locations around Boston. As described by the Disability Law Center: Wheels of Justice is a short documentary film that shines a light on how people with disabilities are fighting for their rights in a society that has yet to fully realize that those rights exist. The story is told through the journey of one of our former clients, Chris Hoeh, who has been living with paralysis since a spinal cord injury in February 2017 as a result of a skiing accident. Chris started working with the Disability Law Center in July 2017. Concerned with the dangers of pressure ulcers and the limitations associated with a regular wheelchair and its impact on his active lifestyle, Chris knew that he needed something innovative in order to continue to maintain his health. With DLC’s legal advocacy, Chris was able to receive a standing wheelchair. The film highlights the importance of robust health care coverage and legal advocacy. Most importantly, the film underscores how individuals with disabilities are constantly trying to break down actual barriers to access and inclusion. Click here to see the trailer of the document - https://vimeo.com/374957367 | | | Event Memories Spinal Source: Surfing and Luau Party Thanks to Steve from @ampsurf_us for coming in to tell us all about adaptive surfing! Afterward, we had a Winter Luau Party to get our minds off of the cold temps! I think we'll all be getting out to do some surfing this year! What do you think of our Hawaiian shirts? | | | | | Annual Peer Mentor Training The United Spinal Association National Office came out yesterday to do our annual peer mentor training, we had a great group of new and active peer mentors. Thanks to Lindsey Elliott from United Spinal Association for always being a fantastic teacher and Greg Karamanian for teaching us about Hollister’s Secure Start Program. We are very appreciative of Hollister funding the United Spinal Association Peer Mentor Training Program! | | | A Good Read New Mobility: The Rise of Power Soccer The athletes wait on the court. With their power chairs charged and their fingers on the joysticks, they are poised and ready to take their shot. A teammate positions himself next to the oversized soccer ball just so. Then he spins full speed, 360 degrees, and strikes the ball with a “thump” that sends it far down the court. Another teammate surges past a defender and hits the ball with her front chair guard, shooting it through the goal posts, just inches beyond the reach of the goalie’s chair. Goallllll!! This is power soccer. And it’s much more than just another game. Continue Reading | | | | SCI Watch SCI Watch is a new section of Chapter Chatter were we will make suggestions on movies, documentaries, internet videos, or TV shows to watch that are either about SCI/D directly or other disabilities that are inspiring, educational, and/or entertaining. If you know of something that you think our members would like to watch please send ryan@sciboston.org an email with the name and why you think is should be seen. Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot Ryan's review: Joaquin Phoenix is one of my favorite actors. When I learned that he portrayed an individual with a spinal cord injury I was excited to see what he would do with the roll. But I also was a little skeptical because I have a love-hate relationship with Jonah Hill and his roles, but his performance as Donnie, John's sponsor, is amazing. The movie is about John Callahan, an alcoholic that finds cartoons as an outlet after he enters treatment and joins Alcoholics Anonymous. Even though it's a very raw and honest look at alcoholism and how it affects a person physically and mentally and their relationships, ultimately it has a good message. It has some great humor that lightens the mood a little. The performances from the cast are superb and felt very real. Director Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunting, Milk), adapted John's autobiography beautifully. I give it     vertebraes! | |  | | | | | For Sale! Do you have Durable Medical Equipment, Assitive Technology, Adapted Vehicles or an Accessible Home for sale? Send us pictures and information about the item(s) to info@sciboston.org and we will post it on our website and social media. *PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOT THE SELLER AND DO NOT HAVE POSSESSION OF THE ITEMS. WE PURELY POST ITEMS TO CONNECT SELLERS WITH INTERESTED BUYERS. NEW PRICE!!! Grit Freedom chair, which is in like-new condition. He's asking $500 for it. If you or someone you know can give it a good home. Please email us with your contact information and we will share it with the seller. | |  | | "It's a Duet Basic Bicycle (without power assist) for sale. I'm asking $2000 firm for it, and it retails between $6000 and $8000. I just put new tires on it. Pickup is in Boston or Brookline." Please email us with your contact information and we will share it with the seller. | |  | | Thank You to Our 2019 Roll to Win Gala Sponsors! Card Shark Sponsors ($2,500) | |  |  |  | | |  | High Roller Sponsors ($1,500) Bob Nichol | |  |  | |  | |  |  |  | | | Greater Boston Chapter of United Spinal Association 2 Rehabilitation Way | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 (617) 952-5643 | info@sciboston.org | | | | | | | | |