
In this newsletter you will find:

  • Advocacy 
  • A Good Read
  • SCI Watch
  • Group Information
  • For Sale/Donations
  • GBC YouTube
  • Event Flyers

Upcoming Events: 

  • Virtual Discussion Groups via Zoom! All Meeting Information below. Women's, Nutrition & SCI, Significant Other's, Grupo de Apoyo en Español!, Newly Injured, After Dark: Wives & Girlfriends, After Dark: Men with SCI/D, SCI/D Discussion, and Family Social Hour.
  • Spinal Source: Permobil, February 20th, 2021, 11am-1pm;

    Melissa Puglia, PT, MS, ATP, will be joining us to talk about Wheelchair Configuration- Adjustments & Why. Click Here or see the flyer below for more details!

We do not, and have never, charged for our services. We rely on donations, sponsors and grants to fund our peer programs.

 If we made a difference in your life or that of someone you love, consider a gift to allow us to continue to assist others as we assisted you.

Helpful Websites

United Spinal Association Resources and Webinars

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Resources and Webinars

Informative Webinars: Living with an SCI

Facing Disabilities: for families facing spinal cord injuries

New Mobility Magazine

Spaulding New England Regional SCI Model System

ReUse DME Website: Refurbished Durable Medical Equipment

 Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System Informative Webinars 

AbleThrive: Curated Content Just for You


Advocacy update

Have you encountered barriers when trying to visit local stores or restaurants?

It's super easy to file a complaint with the state Architectural Access Board (AAB), and you don't need a lawyer! 

Visit the AAB website at here for more info. For technical assistance on filing a complaint, send an email to Michael Muehe, Access Analyst for the Boston Center for Independent Living at


Interested in getting notifications about our advocacy efforts or being an advocate on the state or national level? Click the button to receive email alerts from our advocacy representatives Pam and Chris!


A Good Read

Our In Vitro Fertilization Journey to Parenthood

"It didn’t feel real until I heard the first cry echo out from the other side of the blue curtain in the operating room. After a nearly two and a half year journey, my wife, Claire, and I were finally parents to a healthy little girl, and I was mere seconds away from the moment all my dad-friends had been hyping up for months, when I would first lay eyes on my child and the whole world would change."

Click the button to continue reading!

If you an individual with SCI/D, or a woman who is a significant other of an individual with an SCI/D, and are interested in talking with others about fertility, relationships, sexuality, and intimacy we have two discussion groups that meet twice a month on Zoom called After Dark. More information on these two groups can be found here. We look forward to seeing you there!


SCI Watch

New Mobility Live: Our First Interview Show

Check out New Mobility Live, a monthly interview series! Their very first interview is with Andrea Dalzell, New Mobility 2020 Person of the Year, nurse, and non-profit founder. Tune in each month for more great interviews with other fascinating people in our community.

Click the button to watch and to read more about Andrea!


Virtual Discussion Groups

Join us for one or more of our virtual support groups that meet your needs as an individual, family member, or significant other affected by a spinal cord injury or disorder (SCI/D). Our many virtual groups offer opportunities for open discussion, support, and resources. Click the button below to access more information and the zoom links!

For Sale/Donation

Are you looking for or do you have Durable Medical Equipment, Assitive Technology, Adapted Vehicles or an Accessible Home for sale? Send us pictures and information about the item(s) to and we will post it on our website and social media. *PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOT THE SELLER AND DO NOT HAVE POSSESSION OF THE ITEMS. WE PURELY POST ITEMS TO CONNECT SELLERS WITH INTERESTED BUYERS.

Click the button below to see what's currently available!

Our YouTube Channel

We would like to invite you to check out our YouTube channel! We have already uploaded a few videos including some of our Spinal Source Educational Webcasts and History of Portraiture in Art Part I and II taught by our very own Brogan Joe Murphy! If you missed any of those events and would like to check them out, they're available now! Make sure to subscribe to the channel to get updated when new videos are uploaded and it would help us out if you liked and commented on the videos too. Click the button below to watch!


Click the image for more information!


Greater Boston Chapter of United Spinal Association
2 Rehabilitation Way  | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
(617) 952-5643 |

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