| | This month we will be teaming up with Massachusetts Walks Again (MWA) for updates from Dr. Eric Ruby, Senator Pacheco, MA DPH, Thomas P. Kennedy SCI Trust Fund Recipients, advocates, members of the community and other contributors. Each Monday will be dedicated to a different subject matter including: Proclamation recipients, DPH data on SCI, SCI research, Traveling with an SCI, and issues to advocate for at the state and federal level. Keep an eye on our social media pages and your inbox for all the exciting information! |
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| In this newsletter you will find: -
Upcoming events -
Advocacy Update -
GBC Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program -
Reframed: Exploring the Talent of Visual Artists with Disabilities -
For Sale/Donations -
Support Group Information - GBC YouTube
- Community Tidbits
- Research Study Opportunity
- Helpful Websites
- Thank You To Our Sponsors
You can find us on AmazonSmile. You can set your Amazon account (available in the app as well) to donate .5% of all eligible purchases, including Amazon Fresh, to the GBC. Over time it really adds up! Click the AmazonSmile banner below more information. |
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| | We are so excited for the Boston Red Sox vs Texas Rangers game on Saturday, September 3rd for Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day at Fenway Park! |
| | With a little more than two weeks left before Trent's big swim, he is still working hard on the preparation and planning for his Back to Rhode Island effort. His fundraising campaign for durable medical equipment and vehicle modification grants has raised a little over $25,000 of his $50,000 goal! Trent and Penny invite donors and friends to join them at the landing party following his swim at the Windjammer Surf Bar on the 17th starting at 2 PM. CLICK THE BUTTON TO HELP TRENT REACH HIS GOAL! |
| | | On Saturday September 17th, from 12pm-3pm clinicians from Spaulding Rehab in Charlestown are hosting a Wheelchair Skills Day. You can register to participate in wheelchair skill training sessions the day of, and get to meet a variety of vendors to see what resources and support they offer. The GBC will have a table set up and we welcome you to come and say hello! All are welcome to the event. Please see the flyer below to register and for all of the information. |
| | REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!! 2ND ANNUAL RODS & MODS FUNDRAISING CAR SHOW, September 18, 2022, 11 AM-3 PM, Fuddruckers in Saugus, MA.; We had such a good time last year we're inviting everyone back again for this fun event! We will showcase an assortment of vehicles including classics, muscle cars, adaptive vehicles, and more. Whether you have a vehicle you want to enter, want to enjoy music and a burger while checking the show out, or if you would like to sponsor the event click the button to register! Please share this event with any when you know what that is a car enthusiast! |
| | | Click the button below for this months advocacy update where you will find information about Medicare, air travel advocacy, ABLE programs, and much more! Interested in getting notifications about our advocacy efforts or being an advocate on the state or national level? |
| | | Do you know someone with an SCI that is living in a nursing home? We are pleased to announce that the GBC has a Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program which assists individuals with SCI in transitioning out of nursing homes to living in the community. This program was started in December 2021 and is led by Occupational Therapist, Stacie Selfridge. We are looking for new candidates who are motivated to move back into the community. Please contact info@sciboston.org for more information or to recommend a candidate. |
| | Reframed: Exploring the Talent of Visual Artists with Disabilities is an exhibition that will be held at the Attleboro Arts Museum, September 10th-24th. This exhibit will showcase the works of artists with various disabilities working in different mediums. Our very own Brogan Joe Murphy will have some of his works on display. Many of you may know Joe from support groups, mentor visits, and his very popular art history webinars that we've had in the past. We hope that you can go and celebrate Joe and the rest of these artists! For more information click the button below. |
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|  | Our YouTube Channel Have you missed one of our recent Saturday Education Series Presentations or one of our virtual community events? Did you know that we upload them to our YouTube channel? We have presentations on: Bowel Health MA Medical Cannabis Program Assistive Technology And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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 | Virtual Discussion Groups Join us for one or more of our virtual support groups that meet your needs as an individual, family member, or significant other affected by a spinal cord injury or disorder (SCI/D). Our many virtual groups offer opportunities for open discussion, support, and resources. Women's Group Newly Injured Spanish Group SCI/D Discussion Group And many more! Click the button to access more information and the zoom links! |
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 | For Sale/Donated Are you looking for or do you have Durable Medical Equipment, Assistive Technology, Adapted Vehicles or an Accessible Home for sale? This month we have: Therapy Table (FREE) Kia Soul Ramp Vehicle Concept Rower And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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| | | Adaptive Mountain Biking Location: Borderland State Park Dates: 9/14/2022 and on 10/12/2022. Contact: Jennifer Packard - jpackard@partners.org Program Description: "This introduction to mountain biking will take place in the woods and on the relatively flat trails of Borderland State Park. Our fleet of recumbent mountain bikes, both arm and leg-powered, will allow people of many different abilities to ride off-road. Research shows that getting away from the noise and havoc of daily life by finding reprieve in the tranquility of nature makes people happier, less stressed, and more energetic. At Borderland State Park we are very fortunate to have opportunities for off road riding, there is nothing like riding down a trail, no noise from cars, just an occasional fellow biker or dog walker along the trail. In addition to the beautiful park, the Department of Conservation and Recreation maintains excellent accessible parking and a visitor center with accessible bathrooms. " |
|  | Demographic and health profiles of people living with traumatic spinal cord injury in the United States during 2015-2019: Findings from the spinal cord injury model systems database. Some very interesting statistics from spinal cord injury model systems and an article from the National Rehabilitation Information Center. To read the full article click the button below. |
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 | Boston Disability Commission Advisory Board Meeting Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 5:30pm Broadcast live on Boston City TV (Comcast 24 / RCN 13 / Verizon 962) and online. Boston Community Resource and Job Fairs Saturday, Sep 17, 2022 12-3 pm, BCYF Hyde Park, Hyde Park Saturday, Oct 8, 2022 12-3 pm, BCYF Holland, Dorchester To learn more about the Boston disability commission click the button below. |
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| | |  | | Did you miss a newsletter? All our past newsletters can be found here: |
| | | | | Thank you to our sponsors! |
|  | | Support also provided by the Lenny Zakim Fund and the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. |
| | | Greater Boston Chapter of United Spinal Association 2 Rehabilitation Way | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 (617) 952-5643 | info@sciboston.org |
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