| In this newsletter you will find: -
Upcoming event -
Advocacy Update -
September Review: Red Sox Game, SCI Awareness, Back to RI, and Rods & Mods -
GBC Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program -
For Sale/Donations -
Support Group Information - GBC YouTube
- Community Tidbits
- Flyers
- Research Study Opportunity
- Helpful Websites
- Thank You To Our Sponsors
You can find us on AmazonSmile. You can set your Amazon account (available in the app as well) to donate .5% of all eligible purchases, including Amazon Fresh, to the GBC. Over time it really adds up! Click the AmazonSmile banner below more information. |
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| | We invite you to join The GBC’s Saturday Education Series Feltin Community Care is a new comprehensive primary care practice in MA, founded by Dr. Robert Master, that will be launching in January of 2023. They are focused on serving people with complex medical needs, including spinal cord injury, by providing home visits for routine and urgent medical issues, integrated care coordination, and more. Members of their team will be joining us to share information about their care model, their staff, who is eligible, and how they differ from other primary care practices. They are currently signing people up. Come join us to learn more! See additional flyer for more information, including eligibility. *Their updated website, with detailed information, will launch on October 7th. You can contact them at 866-FELTIN1 (or 866-335-8461) for more information. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 857 3333 2093 One Tap Mobile: +13126266799 Full Event Flyer Below |
| | Click the button below for this months advocacy update where you will find information about United Spinal's work on medicare coverage of seat elevators and standing systems, strengthening non-discriminatory healthcare, and Advocacy Live. Interested in getting notifications about our advocacy efforts or being an advocate on the state or national level? |
| | | |  | On September 3rd we had a wonderful SCI Awareness Day at Fenway Park! What better way to bring awareness to the community about SCI than coming together at Fenway for a Red Sox game with an on-field presentation, video, grouped seating, and a limited-edition hat give-away. Red Sox winning the game was icing on the cake! We have finally been able to collect all the best pictures and video from the day and we want to share it with you. Thank you to Mary Cooper for hitting the home run of ideas to have this event and also for being relentless in the pursuit of making this day as amazing as it was! Thank you to Travis Pollio at Red Sox Group Sales for helping us navigate all of the logistics. And Thank you to Art Page of the Travis Roy Foundation for sponsoring the event! Click the button to watch the full montage! |
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 | We teamed up with with Dr. Ruby of Massachusetts Walks Again (MWA) to host Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day here in Massachusetts via email blasts, YouTube videos, and social media posts each Monday hope last month. This allowed us to share more in-depth information about what MWA, the department of public health, and the recipients of the Thomas P. Kennedy Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund are all working on. It also gave us a chance to disperse information about accessible travel, advocacy and political issues that affect the SCI Community and beyond. Thank you to Dr. Eric Ruby, Bekah Thomas, Senator Marc Pacheco, Dr. Jeffrey Macklis, Dr. Yang Teng, Dr. Zhigang He, Dr. Andrew Reisner, Dr. Christopher Gabel, Mary Cooper, Obie Harrington-Howes, Michaela Bushey, Erik Kondo, Doug Frey, Debra Freed, Leda Anderson, Amy Jozan, and Kristen McCosh for your contributions in this very successful awareness campaign. Click the button to view the full playlist on YouTube! |
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|  | On September 17th Trent Theroux swam from Montauk, Long Island, NY to Westerly, Rhode Island, a 20+ mile swim to raise funds for our DME Grant program. The weather was perfect, but the water was choppy for the first half of the swim. Trent faced 4-foot swells and swam into a fairly stiff breeze. Trent soldiered through, the wind changed to southwesterly and he landed on Misquamicut Beach a few minutes ahead of schedule with a small group of "angel" swimmers. Trent and his fiancé Penny Tremblay threw a finish line party for friends and donors at the Windjammer Surf Bar. Just before Trent landed, his daughter Haley got on the mic and shared Trent's story to the landing party and the rest of the patrons at the bar. When he landed everyone at the bar cheered him on. Thank you to Trent for his fourth and unfortunately, final swim for the GBC. Trent has raised over $200,000 for our DME Grant program! Thank you to Penny for being such a huge support to Trent and helping us stay on task in the planning process. Thank you to the boat captains and crews, including Trent's son Max, that followed along and swam during the swim keeping him safe. Thank you to Trent's family for doing all that you do for Trent. Most of all, thank you to all the donors, without you we would not be able to help change lives! Click the button below to view pictures from the event! |
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 | September 18 we all gathered at Fuddruckers of Saugus for our second Rods and Mods Fundraising Car Show. We had about 40 cars, music provided by our very own DJ Kirby, and of course the yummy all American burgers provided by Fuddruckers. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time while raising some money for the chapter. Thank you to Heidi Estrada and Jessika Coromel for all that you did for this event. Thank you to Jane Wierbicky for leading the raffle committee. We had some amazing raffles available! Thank you to all the volunteers they came out and helped the day run smoothly. Thank you to all the car owners they came out and made the event what it was. And thank you to our sponsors Encompass Health, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospitals, Hunt's Photo, Bob Nichol, Coloplast, National Seating and Mobility, Hollister, Motion Composites, and Quatum Rehab. Click the button to see the gallery! |
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| Do you know someone with an SCI that is living in a nursing home? We are pleased to announce that the GBC has a Spinal Cord Injury Transition Program which assists individuals with SCI in transitioning out of nursing homes to living in the community. This program was started in December 2021 and is led by Occupational Therapist, Stacie Selfridge. We are looking for new candidates who are motivated to move back into the community. Please contact info@sciboston.org for more information or to recommend a candidate. |
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|  | Our YouTube Channel Have you missed one of our recent Saturday Education Series Presentations or one of our virtual community events? Did you know that we upload them to our YouTube channel? We have presentations on: Bowel Health MA Medical Cannabis Program Assistive Technology And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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 | Virtual Discussion Groups Join us for one or more of our virtual support groups that meet your needs as an individual, family member, or significant other affected by a spinal cord injury or disorder (SCI/D). Our many virtual groups offer opportunities for open discussion, support, and resources. Women's Group Newly Injured Spanish Group SCI/D Discussion Group And many more! Click the button to access more information and the zoom links! |
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 | For Sale/Donated Are you looking for or do you have Durable Medical Equipment, Assistive Technology, Adapted Vehicles or an Accessible Home for sale? This month we have: Therapy Table (FREE) Kia Soul Ramp Vehicle Concept Rower And so much more! Click the button below to check them all out! |
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| | | Adaptive Mountain Biking Location: Borderland State Park Dates: 9/14/2022 and on 10/12/2022. Contact: Jennifer Packard - jpackard@partners.org Program Description: "This introduction to mountain biking will take place in the woods and on the relatively flat trails of Borderland State Park. Our fleet of recumbent mountain bikes, both arm and leg-powered, will allow people of many different abilities to ride off-road. Research shows that getting away from the noise and havoc of daily life by finding reprieve in the tranquility of nature makes people happier, less stressed, and more energetic. At Borderland State Park we are very fortunate to have opportunities for off road riding, there is nothing like riding down a trail, no noise from cars, just an occasional fellow biker or dog walker along the trail. In addition to the beautiful park, the Department of Conservation and Recreation maintains excellent accessible parking and a visitor center with accessible bathrooms. " |
|  | Demographic and health profiles of people living with traumatic spinal cord injury in the United States during 2015-2019: Findings from the spinal cord injury model systems database. Join Adaptive Sports New England and your other favorite adaptive sports organizations for the 2022 Para Sports Day at Tufts University! Drop in during the morning on October 16th for some learning, activities and demonstrations of Paralympics sports. People of all ages and abilities will enjoy this event, and families are encouraged to join. Participating organizations include South Coast Wheelchair Tennis Foundation, Franciscan Children's, Spaulding Adaptive Sports Centers, Achilles International Boston, Cape Cod Curling Club, Community Rowing, Inc. - CRI, New England Disabled Sports, AccesSportAmerica, and CP Soccer New England. To register for the event click the button below. |
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 | KNOBBY TIRE RIDE AND ROLL Sunday, October 30, 2022 Mark your calendars now for this year's Knobby Tire Ride and Roll, taking place as a part of the The Wicked Ride Of The East hosted by North Shore NEMBA! This year's Knobby will take place on October 30 in Andover, MA and will consist of a group Adaptive Ride, and equipment demos from an amazing group of vendors, including Spaulding Adaptive Sports Centers, Bike-On.com, and Waypoint Adventure to name a few! Register at https://member.nemba.org/event-4946219, and make sure to email Ryan if you plan to join the Adaptive Ride (ryderoche@gmail.com), so we can make sure we have the equipment you need. The event starts at 9am. Beginner and Intermediate adaptive rides will hit the trail at 11am. If you are demoing a bike/chair please arrive at 10am. To learn more click the button. |
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| |  | | Thank you to our sponsors! |
|  | Support also provided by the Lenny Zakim Fund and the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. |
| | | Did you miss a newsletter? All our past newsletters can be found here: |
| | | | | | Greater Boston Chapter of United Spinal Association 2 Rehabilitation Way | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 (617) 952-5643 | info@sciboston.org |
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